20th General Conference

29 October – 2 November B.E. 2541 (1998)
Wollongong, Australia
Buddhism and Challenges in the 21st Century
H.E. Phan Wannamethee was elected as new WFB President. At the conference, the World Buddhist University (WBU) has been established in accordance with its Charter approved by the Conference on 1 November B.E. 2541 (1998) as an international community of Buddhist scholars and institutions engaged in research, training, spiritual practice and educational development based on Buddhism. It will serve as a coordinating centre for academic affairs with all the Buddhist institutions and scholars through a networking system. Its inauguration will be officially held in B.E. 2543 (2000) in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary of the WFB.

21st General Conference

5 – 9 December B.E. 2543 (2000)
Bangkok, Thailand
Buddhism and Globalization
At the conference, the dialogue on how Buddhism can adapt to globalization, meet challenges in life and bring peace and harmony to mankind was discussed. The conference was also held to celebrate “Golden Jubilee” the 50th Anniversary of the WFB (B.E. 2493-2543/1950-2000) which the opening ceremony was held at Thailand Cultural Center. H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, Prime Minister of Thailand was also attended at the conference. Various heads of States and Sanghas sent their visions and messages to congratulate on this memorable occasion. At the Opening Ceremony Day, the WFB Golden Jubilee Exhibition had enlightened the activities over the past 50 years and of its future works. The remarkable event was inauguration of the World Buddhist University that marked another milestone to the wisdom of our Buddhist world.

20th General Conference

29 October – 2 November B.E. 2541 (1998)
Wollongong, Australia
Buddhism and Challenges in the 21st Century
H.E. Phan Wannamethee was elected as new WFB President. At the conference, the World Buddhist University (WBU) has been established in accordance with its Charter approved by the Conference on 1 November B.E. 2541 (1998) as an international community of Buddhist scholars and institutions engaged in research, training, spiritual practice and educational development based on Buddhism. It will serve as a coordinating centre for academic affairs with all the Buddhist institutions and scholars through a networking system. Its inauguration will be officially held in B.E. 2543 (2000) in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary of the WFB.

19th General Conference

22 – 29 November B.E. 2537 (1994)
Bangkok, Thailand
Buddhist Way: The Way to Harmony and Peace
The WFB confirmed at this conference that we will continue to co-operate with other religious and humanitarian national and international organizations to alleviate both physical and mental suffering now and in the future. As relations among us grow closer, our improved rapport and responsiveness will generate harmony and peace among Buddhists and thereby loving-kindness and compassion toward all living beings.

18th General Conference

27 October – 3 November B.E. 2535 (1992)
Kaohsiung, Chinese Taipei
Development through Harmony and Cooperation
At the conference, the WFB confirm on its standpoints that Buddhism offers a practical way for all of us to lead wholesome lives and redeem humanity from the ills of the world: violence, social unrest, illicit drugs, scourge of AIDS, child abuse and degradation of environment. We confidently pledge to continually cooperate with other religious, social and cultural organizations and movements which are committed to the fostering of greater understanding, peace and harmony of all humankind. In addition, the WFB pledge to work earnestly to contribute to international efforts to engender a greater environmental awareness on our planet and encourage appropriate steps to solve the problems.

17th General Conference

40th Anniversary of the WFB and the first time that over 500 participants from 26 different countries attended.
21 – 29 October B.E. 2533 (1990)
Seoul, South Korea
Buddhist Challenges Into the Next Decade
The conference was also held to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the WFB. The meeting also commemorated the Anniversary with the publication of the 40th Anniversary Volume and convening two impressive Pancasila Ceremonies at stadiums in Pusan AND Seoul. It was the first time in the history of the WFB that the host in Korea invited over 500 participants from 26 different countries to get together in the spirit of friendship and joy in the Buddha-Dharma.

16th General Conference

19 – 26 November B.E. 2531 (1988)
Los Angeles, USA
WFB : Unity for World Peace
This was the first time in 38 years that WFB General Conference held outside of Asia. Regarding to the WFB application, the General Council (composed of the Heads of the delegations) informed that before an application was considered by EXCO, the Vice Presidents in the particular areas concerned were asked to review the application and subsequently submit their reports to the Executive Council Members. The Vice Presidents undertook these investigations on their own account without reimbursement on the part of the WFB.

14th General Conference

2 – 7 August B.E. 2527 (1984)
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Buddhism’s Contribution to World Culture and Peace
At the conference, a new Standing Committee on Socioeconomic Development was established. The WFB also stressed that among major religious traditions of the world, Buddhism remains unique in that it does not attempt to eliminate plurality and diversity through a process of unification; we affirm to work for peace and tranquility through peaceful means with the ultimate aim of achieving a peaceful community, by the complete elimination of all nuclear weapons and the arms race.

13th General Conference

21 – 29 November B.E. 2523 (1980)
Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Thailand
Buddhist Practice in Contemporary Life
The conference was also held to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the WFB. H.S.H. Princess Poon Pismai Diskul, who was re-elected for another 4 years, also marked with appreciation that the WFB Headquarters had been stationed in Thailand for 17 years with the generous support of the successive Royal Thai Governments had made the WFB work spread worldwide. At the initial period, we had only 29 Regional Centres and at the time of the conference we had no less than 78 of them in 34 countries on all continents of the world.

12th General Conference

1 – 6 October B.E. 2521 (1978)
Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan
Buddhist Contributions to the Future
At this conference practicing having Declaration at the end of each WFB General Conference was followed from this Conference onwards. Since many resolutions were remained unimplemented, no resolutions with that were off (1) political nature, (2) have difficulties of implementation, and (3) no providing funds to implement to the submitted project; could be proposed to the General Conference.