The 88th WFBY Executive Board Meeting in Bangkok and Memorial Service in Phuket, Thailand

Dear WFBY Executive Boards,

The 88th WFBY Executive Board Meeting in Bangkok

and Memorial Service in Phuket, Thailand

Please be informed of the activity and obligation to be held from 5-7 November B.E. 2562 (2019) as follows,

In junction with WFB programs, Memorial Service in Phuket and the 94th WFB Executive Council Meeting in Bangkok, on behalf of Rev. Hakuka Murayama, President of the WFBY, we would like to extend the invitation to all WFBY Executive Boards to attend the 88th WFBY Executive Board Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand to be held from the 5th – 7th November B.E. 2562 (2019).  A tentative program of the meeting will be forward to you later.

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29th General Conference

5 – 9 November B.E. 2561 (2018)
Narita & Yokohama, Japan
Compassion in Action
Japan Buddhist Federation (JBF) hosted the 2nd General Conference of The WFB right after establishment of The WFB and this time, it was the fourth time as the host of the conference. Simultaneously with the 29th WFB General Conference were its subordinate organs’ conference and meeting – the 20th World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth (WFBY) General Conference and the 11th Meeting of the World Buddhist University (WBU).

28th General Conference

26 – 30 September B.E. 2559 (2016)
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Buddhism in Daily Life, Daily Life of Buddhists
Twenty-six years ago since the WFB family last met with each other in Seoul at the 17th WFB General Conference. It was the first time that Buddhist of Vajarayana Sec acted as the host of the WFB General Conference. Seoul has changed into a perfect blending of tradition and advance technology. Jin-Gak Buddhist Order, one of the oldest denominations in South Korea, was the host of this conference which had organized it with friendly atmosphere and smooth operation. The conference was held in conjunction with Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of Jin-Gak Buddhist Order.

27th General Conference

14 – 19 October B.E. 2557 (2014)
Baoji-Shanxi, People’s Republic of China
Buddhism and Public: Benefit-Charity
It was the first time for the People’s Republic of China to host the WFB General Conference and Baoji was chosen as venue of the conference because it was said to be among the first cities to embrace Buddhism when the religion was introduced to China before spreading to and flourished in other parts of China and served as the beacon of Buddhism throughout Asia. Furthermore, it is the city where the Buddha’s finger relic is enshrined.

26th General Conference

11 – 16 June B.E. 2555 (2012)
Yeosu, South Korea
Buddhist Ecological – Environmental Thought & Practice for the 21st Century
It was the second time in 20 years that the WFB General Conference had been held in South Korea since B.E. 2533 (1990). Advancement of Korea both spiritual and material prosperities fascinated all participants being witnessed by Yeosu Expo 2014 which also be held at the same time.

25th General Conference

13 – 17 November B.E. 2553 (2010)
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Reconciliation through the Teachings of Buddha
Venue of the conference was selected to be in Sri Lanka where the WFB was founded and the 1st General Conference was inaugurated so as to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of which around 3,000 participants including delegates, observers and invited guests from leading Buddhists countries around the world attended.